Saturday, September 24, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
He Will Enter The Heaven
Imam Muslim had retold from Abu Hurairah that one day Rasulullah p.b.u.h. asked his friends which means: “Who among you had fasted today?” Abu Bakar replied: “I had.”
Rasulullah p.b.u.h. asked again: “Who today had fetched the deceased to the grave?” Abu Bakar once again replied: “I had.”
Rasulullah continued: “Who today had fed the poor?” Abu Bakar replied again: “I had.”
Rasulullah questioned again: “Who today had visited sick people?” Abu Bakar answered: “I had.”
Then Rasulullah said: “None of these deeds are upon a person unless he will enter the heaven.”
This priority is not especially for Abu Bakar al-Siddiq, but it is opened to every one of us who wants to follow his examples until the end of the universe.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Following Without Knowledge
The leader who cooked for his people.
Source of quranic translation:!-fear-allah-and-always-say-the-right-thing-and-heavens,-earth-and-mountains-refuse-to-take-allah's-trust-but-the-man-took-it#ayanote-1
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The heart is so weak.

Sahih International
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sad Truth.
Surah Ar-Rum, [30;30]

Source of Quranic translation and text:
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just had my morning recital, and I stumble upon this verse,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
God/Allah told us this:
"I'm beside what My servant expect of Me. I'm with him if he thinks of Me. If he thinks of me inside of himself then I'm thinking of him inside of Me. If he thinks of Me in groups, then I'll think of him in a better groups than him. If my servant comes closer to me an inch, I will come closer to him a feet. If he get closer to me a feet, I'll get close to him in greater distance. If my servant comes to me by walking, I'll come to him by running." (Riwayat al-Bukhari no. 7405 and Muslim no. 2675)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Bioindicator Studies (Continued..)
Bioindicator organisms used usually the species are:
1. Regionally well distributed.
2. Sessile- do not move around.
3. Tolerant to pollutant.
4. Show good bioaccumulation potential in relation to size.
Example bioindicator organisms in marine environment:
1. Bivalve. Exm: mussel.
2. Algae.
3. Fishes.
Example of bioindicator organisms in terrestrial environment:
1. Trees.
2. Lichens.
3. Earthworm.
The case of imposex in snail exposed to TBT paint.
1. TBT- tributyltin, usually used in anti-fouling paint in ship.
2. Imposex- the condition where the female change into male because they develope penis. This cause them unable to reproduce. Subsequently, this will disturb the food chain & affect the food chain.
3. Now, use of TBT has been banned as it is very toxic.
1. A bioindicator organism responds to all environmental parameters surrounding it and is affected in different ways depending on the parameters concerned.
2. Effects of multiple pollutants on single organisms can be determine whereas using machine is costly and sometimes only limited to single pollutant detection at a time.
3. Early warning system. Certain organism is more sensitve to certain pollutants. Exm: fish swim ashore when tsunami approach.
4. Major component of bioassessment evaluation: 1)determine organisms exposed to stressors. 2) determine its effect to organisms. 3) conduct risk assessment experiment.
5. Criteria for selecting bioindicators: *relevance*sensitivity*specitivity*broad applicability*representativeness*variability*cost.
6. Potential uses of bioindicators:
-indicate contaminant exposure.
-identify toxic mecha.
Friday, March 25, 2011

- It is refer to as "blue hour" by photographer or painter due to the quality of light at the time.
- Twilight on Mars is longer than Earth (last up to 2 hours)
- It is sacred in Hinduism where many rituals are held.
- It is called 'cow dust time' in Hindi.

Source of Quran translation:
Source of twilight info:
Horseshoe Crab

- They have blue blood.
- One of the primitive animals that haven't extinct.
- Earliest fossils found are 45 million years old.
- Has changed remarkably little in the last 250 million years.
- Reach sexual maturity between 9 to 12 years of age.
- The female can lay between 2-30 thousand eggs during spawning season.
I'd the chance to record the event, below is the video (forgive the noise..)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I want the world to know these words from the daughter of a Martyr.
[Qasas 28:50] So if they do not accept your challenge, then know that they only follow their desires; and who is more astray than one who follows his desires away from the guidance of Allah? Indeed Allah does not guide the unjust.
[Qasas 28:58] And how many towns did We destroy which had stooped to self indulgence! So here lie their dwellings, uninhabited after them except a little; and only We are the Inheritors.
[Qasas 28:77] “And seek the abode of the Hereafter with the wealth that Allah has given you, and do not forget your part in this world, and do favours (to others) the way Allah has favoured you, and do not seek to cause turmoil in the earth; indeed Allah does not like the mischievous.”
Monday, March 21, 2011
Lesson from Quran.
Recently, I came across some verses from Quran which I felt the message are really close to what's happening in our world and which we can relate to them. They are from Surah Al-Qasas,
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Pharaoh |
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Pompeii |

Sunday, March 20, 2011
The truth on what is happening in Bahrain.
You know what, sadly, yes sadly, even Muslims themselves don't want to help their brothers and sisters who are suffering there, barely alive to keep the justice uphold. They are neglected. Be it by the mainstream media nor the Muslim leader in other countries. Up until now, only Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkey Prime Minister had voice his support to the oppressed people of Bahrain. The rest of the Muslim leaders? None. Know what the reason? Because of some stupid lame excuse such as sectarian differences. I'm asking you, SINCE WHEN THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ACKNOWLEDGE DIFFERENCES/ DISCRIMINATION IN FIGHTING AGAINST INJUSTICE AND OPPRESSION???
Seriously, all this time those Shiite in Iran and Lebanon whose whole-heartly fighting and undividedly supporting the oppressed people in Palestine/ Egypt/ Libya, have it ever crossed their mind that those people are Sunni?? Those millions of dollar provided by Iranian people for the Palestine movement, have they ever raise any secretarian issue in helping those people -whom, may I remind you, are mostly Sunni -?? Some people, or should I say lots of people, are so dumb to see a far bigger issue here. They rather divide among themselves because of their ego than to realize that Zionist & co. are laughing their heart out when Muslims divide among themselves. PLEASE, ENOUGH ALREADY. FORGET THOSE SECRETARIAN DIFFERENCES, LET US COME HAND IN HAND, BE IT SUNNI OR SHIITE OR ANYTHING AS LONG AS YOU"RE MUSLIM, WE ARE ONE, UNITE INTO ONE ENTITY - ISLAM. DON'T LET THE ENEMY FOOL YOU. Remember, remember, remember, our destruction is their winning. Our unity is their doom.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Facts about the recent great tsunami in Japan.
Facts about the recent great tsunami in Japan (Date of occurence: 11 March 2011)
• Tsunami with 10m height.
• Cause by 8.9 magnitude earthquake.
• Among the strongest ever recorded earthquake in Japan history.
• Affected area: Northeastern coast in Japan. This includes Miyagi prefecture and Chiba prefecture.
• Earthquake damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor, radiation leakage occur.
• 1,000: number of death estimated & 10,000: unaccounted for.
Friday, February 18, 2011
the Cirrus cloud
Monday, January 31, 2011
2 interesting news.. and big one too.
Recently, when I was browsing through FARS News Agency, I found two interesting news. First is..
Tunisians Set to Form Hezbollah Group [2011-01-22]

[Original article can be found here: ]
The second is...AND THIS A BIG ONE.
Largest Spy Hub Uncovered in Israel [2011-01-23]
[Original article an be found here: while original video can be found here: ]
Oh, of course I'm happy over both news. It means better goverment for Tunisia and less demonizing power for Israel (the jerk who goes trampling all over Palestine). And yeah, Hezbullah is just as good as Iran in defying and resisting oppressor (who else >> Israel, US and their allies).
Sunday, January 30, 2011
First, Tunisia. Then, Egypt. After this,...
Then, Egypt.
My say: Way to go, PEOPLE! Teach those corrupt oppressor they're no more immune to the oppressed' wrath. I'm waiting for the next oppressor to go down. I believe world revolution is on the way. Revolution into a new peaceful world, free from oppressor, free of corruption. just as promised by Allah.
In conclusion, it's time for the people to rise.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
So, one day I was feeding the cats through the back door of my house. And I spotted a snail attached to the wall. Then I decided to take a snapshot. This photo is taken using my 1.3MP camera (very low resolution) during a hot sunny day. So, it explains the brightness of the photo. A little bit information about snail..
Phylum: Mollusca (soft-bodied organism)
Class: Gastropoda (stomach foot)
Common name: Snail.
Check out how it moves. Very interesting..
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Bamboo in Paradise.
Fatimah once asked her father (Rasulullah) about that matter: "Is it the same as the bamboo around here?" Rasulullah answered: "No. But a bamboo encrusted with gems, pearls and diamond."
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Robin Sharma

So here's the thing, I just came back from a lecture where we're shown a motivational video and the speaker (Robin Sharma) asked af his audience to spread his words and what we've learned from the video/his books to 3 people. So, this is what I've got from his video..
"To be a great leader, first you must become a great person"
"When you push yourself to the limit, you'll expand your limit"
"Breakdown comes before a breakthrough"
"When potential is unexpressed, it'll turn into a pain"
-Robin Sharma, author of 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' & 'The Leader Who Had No Title'-
Just some additional quote I got from the video, it's by Mother Teresa;
