Monday, March 14, 2011

Facts about the recent great tsunami in Japan.

Source: Yahoo!News.

Facts about the recent great tsunami in Japan (Date of occurence: 11 March 2011)

• Tsunami with 10m height.

• Cause by 8.9 magnitude earthquake.

• Among the strongest ever recorded earthquake in Japan history.

• Affected area: Northeastern coast in Japan. This includes Miyagi prefecture and Chiba prefecture.
• Earthquake damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor, radiation leakage occur.

• 1,000: number of death estimated & 10,000: unaccounted for.




  1. what was the plate boundery plaease

    1. Plate boundary is the border between tectonic plate.Just like a country has a border to define it's area, a tectonic plate also has it's border. But plate boundary isn't permanent and still like a country border, it's constantly moving at a very slow pace. Due to this nature, earthquake & tsunami are often triggered nerby these location. I suggest you visit for more info and photo of tectonic plate and it's boundary/border.

      P/s: sorry for the late reply. I hadn't visit this blog for a long time already.

  2. tell me coz i am learning about it in gwograthy and i need to know what time it was and what plate boundery

