Friday, February 20, 2015

Muslim Alliance with Room in Akhir al-Zamaan By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Tipu Helah Perbankan Islam Oleh Bekas CEO Bank Muamalat, Dato' Abdul Manap

ISTAF Super Series Malaysia vs Thailand 2015 (2nd Set)

I think the most amazing thing that I saw from this video is not the winning. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying the player or game isn't great. No, not at all. I can see their hard work and mental resilience. And I'm very happy for them and with this wins. But how often can you see all, not just one or two, but ALL players in a team making sujood right after winning. It's such an amazing sight to me as a believer. They are at the peak of glory, yet their heart bow before their Lord. To me they display such a degree of humility that's quite rare on the sports field it touch me in such a profound way. And I wish the very best to them in their emaan and career.

Children Describe Satanic Ritual Abuse and Sacrifice (video)

Children Describe Satanic Ritual Abuse and Sacrifice (video)
