Friday, March 25, 2011

Horseshoe Crab

So last month when I was doing some course project at the nearby beach, I get to see horseshoe crabs which was released by some of the final year students there. They're using them for a final year project earlier. This is my first time seeing an alive one, so I was very excited. I'd like to share some info on horseshoe crab with all of you,

Kingdom: Animalia.
Phylum: Arthropoda (joint-legged animals)
Class: Merostomata (mouth surrounded by legs)
Order: Xiphosurida (sword-tailed animals)
Famili: Limulidae (from Latin Limulus: somewhat odd, oblique)

Interesting Facts on Horseshoe Crab:
  • They have blue blood.
  • One of the primitive animals that haven't extinct.
  • Earliest fossils found are 45 million years old. 
  • Has changed remarkably little in the last 250 million years.
  • Reach sexual maturity between 9 to 12 years of age.
  • The female can lay between 2-30 thousand eggs during spawning season.

    I'd the chance to record the event, below is the video (forgive the noise..)

**All images and video is taken using 1.3MP camera which explain their lack of sharpness and clearity.


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