Just had my morning recital, and I stumble upon this verse,
What is the life of this world but amusement and play? but verily the Home in the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew.
(Al-Ankabut, 29:64)
Indeed, I found what been said here truly fits me. I think my life right now is just all about amusement/entertainment/play. This verse made me think I must not loose focus on the little goodness that I did and still practices. Because that little thing might be the only thing that can made me survive from the hellfire.
Another verse which caught my heart is also from the same surah but verse 63,
And if indeed thou ask them who it is that sends down rain from the sky, and gives life therewith to the earth after its death, they will certainly reply, "(Allah)!" Say, "Praise be to Allah." But most of them understand not.
I wonder if I askedd my non-muslim friend the same question, what would her answer be. I get the feeling she'll be anwering the same thing but as the verse say, most of them understand not. Note here Allah is also refer to God.
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