(Sorce: Solusi magazine, Issue no. 16, 2010)
One day, the son of Egypt Governor Amru Ibn al-'As had a horse race with an Egyptian Qibti Arab man and he lost, eventually he slapped the man.
Because the Qibti Arab felt that he won't be judged fairly, he met the Amirul Mukminin Sayidina Umar r.a in the city of Medina. Sayidina Umar r.a summoned the Egypt Governor and his son to come to the Medina city to be judged and asked of the truth regarding the incident and the governor's son action.
When the truth is confirmed, Sayidina Umar ordered the Qibti to slap back the governor's son as qisas punishment. Sayidina Umar r.a. then reminded his people with a statement that should be written with a golden ink, among his words, "Since when did you take human as your slaves, when their mother had given birth to them in an independent state?"
See how beautiful it is the justice of Islam which don't recognize looks, life status, bloodlines, wealth, position and job.
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