Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bassem Youssef questions Israelis' claim to be 'God's chosen people' - YouTube


Video Published on: Feb 22, 2024.


Bassem Youssef questions Israelis' claim to be 'God's chosen people' - YouTube

‘Try to convince me that Israelis have more right in this land, more than Palestinians, without using religion. They can't’. Egyptian comedian and TV presenter Bassem Youssef discusses the paradox of the state of Israel’s identity, between describing itself as a secular state and a religious Jewish one. ‘I found it very hypocritical from Israel, saying that we are a secular democratic state and at the same time, we are a Jewish state,’ he said, ‘What are you? Are you a theocracy or a democracy?’ During an interview on BBC HARDtalk, Youssef says even Zionists who are atheist, still parade the phrase that they are ‘God’s chosen people’ and that the land is ‘promised to them’. ‘Promised by whom? “Chosen people,” chosen by whom? The God? My God? Your God? Whose God?’ questioned Youssef.


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