In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious & The Best Creator
River in The Sea
"We will show them soon, evidences of Our truth from every corner of the world and from within themselves, until it became clear to them, that Al-Quran is the truth. Is it not enough that your God can see everything." (QS Fushshilat : 53)

"And He is the one who let the two seas flow (side by side) ; one is pure and fresh while the other one salty and bitter; and He made between those two a wall and barrier which separate." (Q.S Al Furqan; 53)
If you're one of those who love to watch 'Discovery' TV programme, you must knew Mr. Jacques Yves Costeau, he is an oceanographer and a famous diver from France. All his life, this gray haired old man had dived in various ocean depth all over the world and making documentaries about the beauty of underwater world for the world to watch.
One day while exploring underwater, he came across a group of fresh pure water fountain which is very tasty because it does not mix/ melt with the salty water around it, as if there is a wall or membrane which separates them.

This strange phenomena confused Mr. Costeau and encouraged him to find the cause of separation between fresh water and salty water in the middle of the ocean. He started to think that it could be his own imagination or hallucination while diving. Time flows by after the incidents, but he never stopped searching for the answer to that strange phenomena.
Until one day, he met a Muslim professor, then he told him of that strange phenomena. The professor remembered the verses from Al Quran about the meeting between two oceans ( surah Ar-Rahman verse 19-20) which had always been related to Suez Canal. The verses cited are “Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. .” Which means: " He let two oceans meet, between those two there is a barrier which cannot be penetrated. Then, he cited surah Al Furqan verse 53 as stated above.
Besides that, in several interpretation books/works of Al-Quran, the verses about the meeting between two ocean where the water do not mix is often relate to estuary, where the meeting between fresh water from the river and salty water from the ocean. But the interpreter does not explained the next verse from surah Ar-Rahman verse 22 which is “Yakhruju minhuma lu’lu`u wal marjaan” means "From both ocean, pearl and jewels exist." But if we look at the real situation, they do not exist at the estuary.
Mr. Costeau was awe-strucked to hear those verses from Al-Quran more than his awe towards whatever he had seen under the deep water. It is impossible for Al-Quran to be written by Muhammad himself who lived in the seventh century, an age where the is no high-tech diving equipment whatsoever to reach the remote area of the ocean depth. It is truly an evidence of truth, a news about a strange phenomena from 14 centuries ago.
Finally, it is proven on the 20th century. Mr. Costeau then said that Al-Quran is truly a holy book that contains verses from Allah, which is true and fixed. In that moment, he embraced Islam.

Allah, The Most Gracious who created the river in the sea.

" And He is the one who let two seas flow (side by side) ; one is pure and fresh while the other is salty and bitter; and He made between those two a wall and barrier which separate. " (Q.S Al-Furqan: 53)

Allahu Akbar…! Mr. Costeau obtain His light through the phenomena of oceangraphy technology. Allah, The Truest, The Greatest. True are the words of Allah, who is The Greatest. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: " Behold, the hearts of human will rust like an iron rusted by water." When someone asked, " What is the way to make to cleanse those heart?" The Prophet replied; " Always remember death and recite the Al-Quran."

If you're a diver, then you must visit Cenote Angelita, Mexico. There exists a cave. If you dive until the depth of 30 meters, the water is fresh, but if you dive until the depth of 60 meters, the water become salty, then you can see a 'river' at the bottom, complete with trees and leaves.

Some of the researchers said, that is not an ordinary river, it is a hydrogen sulphide layer, which looks like a river...extraordinary isn't it? See how great is the creation of Allah, The Most Gracious and Highest.
could i know where do u get this info?
ReplyDeleteI apologize for my late reply. i got this info from this website It's in Indonesian language. I translated the text into English. Apparently, the article was written based on several sources such as :
Delete1. This is The Truth, Newly Discovered Scientific Focts Revealed in the Quran & Authentic Hadeeth (A book published by World Supreme Council for Mosques Affairs Commission on Scientific Sign of Qur’an and Sunnah at Muslim World League Makkah alMukarramah and Alharamain Islamic Poundation, Third Edition, Riyadh, 1999)
3. Other unnamed sources.
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
DeleteSubhan ALLAH