Thursday, February 29, 2024

LIVE: Media Uses Word "Genocide" For First Time! (& much more)


Time Stamp:

37:23 Fetus Lee Camp. Hehe. Fetus or not, our bro Lee Camp is brilliant as always. 

And RIP Aaron Bushnell. Bushnell is as much a victim of Washington tyranny as the Palestinians are. Driven to desperation. Driven by humanity.

Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 140: The Siege" on YouTube


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The siege, a reason the war will go on.

Watch "Unraveling Bill Gates’ Global Web of Influence, with Tim Schwab" on YouTube


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There are few people on Earth richer or more influential than Bill Gates. For many years, the former Microsoft CEO was the planet’s most wealthy individual, and used his power to corner and monopolize as much of the tech industry as he could. From there, Gates has moved to become perhaps the most powerful man in global health, agriculture and education.

And yet, for all of his power and prestige, Gates is rarely scrutinized in our media. The Seattle native has been careful to cultivate an image of a well-meaning nerd who uses his wealth for good. Our guest today on the “MintCast” is an exception to that rule, being one of the few investigative journalists to critically examine Gates’ power and influence. Tim Schwab is an award-winning investigative journalist based in Washington, D.C. His reporting has been published in outlets such as The Nation, The Columbia Journalism Review, The Baffler and Jacobin magazine. His latest book, “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire,” was published in November.

Today, Schwab joins “MintCast” co-host Alan MacLeod to discuss Gates’ origin story, how he uses his enormous wealth to negatively influence public health and education policy, his connections to disgraced child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, and to ponder whether there is ever such a thing as a good billionaire.

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Watch "Gog, Magog, and Water (Turkish Subtitles) Yecüc, Mecüc ve Su" on YouTube


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Bu video, Yecüc ve Mecüc hakkında Kur'an ve Hadislerden alınan bilgilere dayanan bir içerik sunar. Video, Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla başlar ve Peygamber Muhammed'e (s.a.v.) dua edilerek devam eder. Recep ve Şaban aylarının bereketli geçmesi ve Ramazan'a ulaşma duasıyla devam eder. Yecüc ve Mecüc'ün insan olduğu, fasad yani bozgunculuk yaptıkları ve sadece Allah tarafından yok edilebilecekleri güce sahip oldukları anlatılır. Video, Yecüc ve Mecüc'ün zaten serbest bırakıldığını ve onların etkilerinin modern dünyada, özellikle aşırı su tüketimi ve çevresel bozulma gibi alanlarda görüldüğünü vurgular. Abdest alırken aşırı su kullanımının da bu etkilerden biri olduğuna dikkat çekilir. Video, izleyicilere Yecüc ve Mecüc hakkında bilgi vermek ve onların etkilerine karşı bilinçlendirme yapmak amacı taşır.

Watch "Gog, Magog, and Water (Arabic Subtitle) يأجوج ومأجوج والماء" on YouTube


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هذا الفيديو يقدم محتوى يستند إلى المعلومات المأخوذة من القرآن والأحاديث عن يأجوج ومأجوج. يبدأ الفيديو باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ويتبعه الدعاء للنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. يستمر بالدعاء لبركة أشهر رجب وشعبان والوصول إلى رمضان. يُشرح أن يأجوج ومأجوج هم من البشر الذين يفسدون في الأرض، وأنهم يمتلكون قوة لا يمكن إزالتها إلا بإذن الله. يُؤكد الفيديو أن يأجوج ومأجوج قد تم إطلاق سراحهم بالفعل وأن تأثيراتهم مرئية في العالم الحديث، خاصة في مجالات مثل الاستهلاك المفرط للماء والتدهور البيئي. يُلفت الانتباه أيضًا إلى أن استخدام الماء بشكل مفرط أثناء الوضوء هو أحد هذه التأثيرات. يهدف الفيديو إلى تقديم معلومات عن يأجوج ومأجوج ورفع الوعي حول تأثيراتهم.

Watch "Parting From Falsehood 6" on YouTube


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

YANIS VAROUFAKIS: Here's What The West Actually Stands For


LIVE: Israel’s Soullessness Hits New Low! (& much more)


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LIVE: Israel’s Soullessness Hits New Low plus US airman sets self on fire in protest.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Aaron Bushnell's Defiant Protest Outside Israeli Embassy


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Support the show and independent journalism. Thank you!

Richard Medhurst is an independent journalist specialized in international relations, US politics, and the Middle East. His coverage and commentary on the Ukraine and Syria wars, as well as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, is extensive. He is one of few journalists to have executed on the ground coverage of the Iran Nuclear Deal and Julian Assange's extradition hearing at the Old Bailey.

Richard Medhurst speaks four languages: English, French, Arabic and German. He completed his secondary education entirely in French, and has lived in Pakistan, Switzerland, Austria, and Syria. He previously hosted his own television program, The Communiqué, on Press TV, and has contributed to Black Agenda Report, RT, Al Mayadeen, and appeared on numerous outlets such as The Times Radio, LBC Radio, RT, The Canary, and Glenn Greenwald's System Update.

Medhurst has over half a million subscribers online. You can follow his Twitter here:

Subscribe for live stream notifications here:

Previous guests on his program include the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, the Russian, Cuban and Palestinian Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, and many more.

The Barbaric and Pointless Reality of the US Sanctions Regime. PLUS: Richard Medhurst on Assange Trial. And Russia Sanctions Specialist Prof. David Siegel | SYSTEM UPDATE #233


Monday, February 26, 2024

Assange High Court Hearing Day 2: Richard Medhurst Report from Inside the Court


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Richard Medhurst reports from the Royal Courts of Justice in London on the Julian Assange case, after attending the High Court hearings in person. Assange is seeking permission to appeal the 2021 ruling of the lower court: a decision that only blocked his extradition to the United States on health grounds (later overturned by US appeal), while agreeing with political and espionage charges against the WikiLeaks founder that criminalize journalism. Richard Medhurst has reported on Julian Assange's extradition case since 2020.

Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 138: Syria" on YouTube


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News from the fronts and a dive into Syria - in case you wondered why we call ourselves tankies.

Watch "Parting From Falsehood 5" on YouTube


Watch "Parting From Falsehood 4" on YouTube


Watch "Israel Is Taking The World To Nuclear War (Arabic Subtitle) إسرائيل تقود العالم إلى حرب نووية" on YouTube


Watch "Breaking news and analysis on day 138 of the Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast" on YouTube


Time Stamp

00:00 Introduction

00:24 News update

15:18 Craig Mokhiber on International Court of Justice hearings

01:01:38 Dr. Thaer Ahmad on attacks on Gaza hospitals

01:27:18 Asa Winstanley on BBC using Israel spies for reporting on Palestine

01:44:03 Jon Elmer on latest Gaza military developments

Watch "‘If You Have A Platform, Use It’: Why Pop Stars Should Speak Up For Palestine w/ Singer Leila Hegazy" on YouTube


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Watch the full interview with Leila Hegazy on Patreon:   / full-video-if-it-99087645  

Throughout Israel’s genocide in Gaza, those who care have used their skills in beautiful and inspiring ways to help bring attention to the struggle for justice in Palestine. One of those people is musician Leila Hegazy, an Egyptian-Italian-American solo artist and activist as well as a member of the twin sister duo HEGAZY. Leila joined Rania Khalek to discuss her viral adaptations of popular songs to help battle the absurdity of Western propaganda and challenge the pop stars who have stayed silent.

This is just part of this episode. The full interview is available for Breakthrough News Members only. Become a member at   / breakthroughnews   to access the full episode and other exclusive content.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

FROM INSIDE THE COURT: Assange Extradition Hearing 2024 Day 1


Watch "Israel is a European Invention & Gaza Genocide Was Made in West, w/ MEPs Clare Daly & Mick Wallace" on YouTube


Watch "Parting from Falsehood 3" on YouTube


Watch "No One Uninvolved - The Grayzone live" on YouTube


What Rashida Tlaib had and is still doing is disgusting. Killing those who are truly helping the resistance in West Asia. This is what we call a wolf in sheep clothing. Her support for sanctions on Syria will only further the stealing, occupation, massacre, and plundering of West Asia by Washington, Tel Aviv, NATO, et al.

Watch "Why Mainstream Media Hate Tucker's Putin Interview" on YouTube


Watch "Animal Planet - The Grayzone live" on YouTube


Stupid tyrants and thieves who failed biology. Wasp is an important pollinator for orchids. Caterpillar too. Those caterpillars turn into butterflies which are again an important pollinator for all sorts of plants. And caterpillars are an important source of one of the most expensive fabrics in the world, which is silk. And spiders are great natural biological pest control agents. Spider loves to hunt on cockroaches. 

LIVE: 107,000 Americans Killed By Hidden Problem (& much more)


LIVE: Israeli Media & IDF Now ADMIT Parts of Oct 7th Didn't Happen!


LIVE: Epstein Docs Reveal New Cover-Up + ICJ Hearings Begin!


Watch "Parting from Falsehood 2" on YouTube


Watch "Julian Assange's Final Stand: Wikileaks Founder Battles Extradition for Exposing US War Crimes" on YouTube


Watch "Arab States Helping Israel Amid Genocide" on YouTube


Watch "Israeli Peace Activist Calls For Sanctions, No-fly Zone On Israel" on YouTube


Watch "Blacklisting and Bullying Won’t Stop Us from Saying ‘Free Palestine’ w/ Alana Hadid" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Day 135 check-in" on YouTube


Watch "Jeremy Corbyn on #Assange (London April 20 2022)" on YouTube


Watch "Pakistan Elections: Rigging Failure" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 133: Nasrallah Speaks" on YouTube


Gaza War Sit Rep Day 131: Al-Nasr


Watch "Parting from Falsehood 1" on YouTube


Watch "A Fire will come out of Yemen" on YouTube


Watch "A shipment of my books has arrived" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza's doctors are champions of resistance, with Dr. Mads Gilbert" on YouTube


Watch "Interview with Wael AlDahdouh" on YouTube


Watch "An Amazing Number of Americans Call This Genocide!" on YouTube


Watch "I hate doing this - but the world has to see. In front of Naser Hospital Morgue. #GazaUnderAttack" on YouTube


Watch "Breaking news and analysis on day 131 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast" on YouTube


Watch "Israel’s Industrial-Scale Cruelty in Gaza is Made in USA & UK, w/ Lowkey" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 130: Nasrallah Speech" on YouTube


Watch "While US & Israel are slaughtering Gaza, they point fingers at China" on YouTube


Watch "MEP Clare Daly- speech from 8 Feb" on YouTube


Watch "Is Britain Helping Israel Bomb Gaza?" on YouTube


Watch "LIVE: Yves Engler on Disrupting Canada's War Machine" on YouTube


[INTERVIEW] Prof. David Miller Wins in Court, Anti-Zionist Speech Protected in UK


Watch "Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson. Version from Russian News! Crisis around Ukraine" on YouTube


Watch "Putin debunks Tucker Carlson's warmongering anti-China propaganda, mocks his CIA ties" on YouTube


Watch "CIA director threatens China & Russia, says Ukraine war benefits US economy" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 128: Attack on Rafah Begins" on YouTube


Watch "Understanding the mysterious Mutashaabihaat Ayaat of the Quran | Sh Imran Hosein | Part 1" on YouTube


Watch "Implications of a Trump return" on YouTube


Watch "Will Jesus have followers when he returns?" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 125: The Rejected Ceasefire Deal" on YouTube


Watch "Julius Malema: "We Understand What Putin is Fighting Against."" on YouTube


Watch "Naledi Pandor (Minister, Foreign Relations): South Africa Has Broken a Dangerous Culture of Impunity" on YouTube


Watch "TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA" on YouTube


Watch "How are women giving birth in Gaza? with Laila Baker | EI Podcast" on YouTube


Excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew:

The Abomination of Desolation
(Mark 13:14–23; Luke 21:20–24)

15So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’a described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand), 16then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17Let no one on the housetop come down to retrieve anything from his house. 18And let no one in the field return for his cloak.

19How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! 20Pray that your flight will not occur in the winter or on the Sabbath. 21For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.

23At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. 24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. 25See, I have told you in advance. 

Watch "Breaking news and analysis on day 124 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast" on YouTube


Watch "Harvard Man - The Grayzone live" on YouTube


Watch "Preparing For Salaat Al-Tarawih" on YouTube


Watch "Displaced Palestinians find refuge in Gaza cemetery" on YouTube


Watch "From Shabaan to Ramadan" on YouTube


Watch "Prepare for Dramatic Inflation" on YouTube


Watch "Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia" on YouTube


Watch "Feb. 6 - Live from Gaza. Update from Mansour himself." on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 122: Delusions of Repeating 1967" on YouTube


Watch "The Triangle Of Akhir Al-Zaman" on YouTube


Watch "South African Activists Calling for Action for Mansour Shouman" on YouTube


Watch "LIVE: Ex-US Special Ops Greg Stoker on US, Israeli Imperialism" on YouTube


Watch "The Quran and the Crucifixion" on YouTube


BREAKING: US/UK Bomb Yemen, Gaza War Update and More! Richard Medhurst LIVE


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 119: Ceasefire Psyop" on YouTube


Watch "The Truth About Israel's Claims Against UNRWA" on YouTube


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Watch "The Yemen Islamic Resistance and Red Sea Shipping" on YouTube


Watch "The Israel Lobby Got Me Fired!" on YouTube


Watch "The Muslim-Christian Alliance and the Balkan Muslims" on YouTube


Watch "Dabbatul Ard is a Sign of the Last Day" on YouTube


Watch "Yemen’s Houthis Speak to MintPress About U.S. Attacks, Their Blockade of Israel" on YouTube


Watch "The Merchant of Venice - An Introduction to the Prohibition of Riba" on YouTube


Watch ""Jerusalem In Quran: End Times (Islamic Eschatology) | Host: Shahid Ali Khan"" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 117: Buffer Zone Dreams" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 116: Iraq Militia Pauses Attacks on US" on YouTube


Watch "Breaking news and analysis on day 117 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast" on YouTube


LIVE: The Death Rattle of American Society + Biden Says War on Yemen Not Working!


LIVE: The WEF – World's Richest Gather To Discuss How To Pillage World Better


"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy" (alternatively "you'll own nothing and be happy") 
— excerpts from 2016 video by the World Economic Forum (WEF)

As for the ship/boat, it belonged to poor people working at sea. I damaged it because there was a [tyrant] king after them who seized every [good] ship by force.
— Quran,  Al-Kahf (The Cave), 18:79 

So they moved on until they came to the people of a town/city. They asked them for food, but the people refused to give them hospitality. There they found a wall ready to collapse, so the man (Khidr) rebuilt/restore it. Moses protested, “If you wanted, you could have demanded a payment for this.” 

— Quran, Al-Kahf (The Cave), 18:77

As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys [living] in the town/city, and there was a treasure/resources beneath it belonging to them. Their father was a righteous man. So your Lord intended that they reach maturity and then to unearth their treasure/resources as a mercy from your Lord. And I did not do [any of this] of my own accord. This is the interpretation of what you were not able to wait for patiently."
— Quran,  Al-Kahf (The Cave), 18:82 

They pleaded, “O Zul-Qarnain! Surely Gog and Magog are spreading corruption throughout the land. Should we pay you, provided that you build a wall between us and them?” He responded, “What my Lord has provided for me is far better [than any payment or compensation]. But assist me with strength/labour, and I will build a solid barrier between you and them. Bring me blocks of iron." When he had filled in [the gap] between the two mountain-sides, he said, "Blow!" When he had made [the iron] as red hot as fire, he said, "Bring me molten copper to pour over it." And so [Gog and Magog] could neither scale nor tunnel through it. He [Zul-Qarnain] declared, “This [wall/barrier] is a mercy from my Lord. But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will level [crush] it to the ground. And my Lord’s promise is ever true.” 

— Quran, Al-Kahf (The Cave), 18:94-98

Watch "ICJ's Israel genocide decision: Historic victory for Palestinians & Global South" on YouTube


Watch "Has Pax Judaica arrived?" on YouTube


Watch "A Fire will come out of Yemen" on YouTube


Watch "Gog, Magog and Water" on YouTube


Watch "Was Jesus put on the Cross to be crucified?" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Day 112 Sit Rep: US-Yemen Naval Battles" on YouTube


Watch "ICJ Rules for South Africa: a defeat for Israel?" on YouTube


Watch "Special livestream: Decision at the ICJ" on YouTube


Watch "Breaking news and analysis on day 110 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast" on YouTube


War on Gaza, Regional Escalation, Yemen, Iran and More ft. Prof Marandi & Richard Medhurst


Watch "Gaza War Day 108 Sit Rep: al-Maghazi explosion and historical parallels" on YouTube

Watch "Gaza War Day 106: Debriefing the ICJ case" on YouTube


Watch "The Houthis & Yemen: A History" on YouTube


Watch "Rabbi David Feldman of Neturei Karta speaks about Judaism, Zionism and Palestine." on YouTube


And, indeed, even before (the return of Moses) Aaron had warned them: "O my people! You are but being tempted to evil by this (soulless calf) -for, behold, your (only) Lord is the Most Gracious! So follow me and obey my order!" They said, "We will never cease worshipping it (the soulless calf) until Moses returns to us." (Having returned, and unaware of Aaron’s warning to their people, Moses) said: "O Aaron! What prevented you, when you saw them gone astray, from following me? Have you then disobeyed my order?" (Aaron) said, "O son of my mother, do not seize (me) by my beard or by my head. Indeed, I did fear that you would say, 'You caused division among the Children of Israel, and you did not heed my words.' "

— Quran, Ta Ha (Ta Ha), 20:90-94

And in the absence of Moses, his people took to worshipping the soulless body of a calf, (made) from their ornaments, which gave a mooing sound." Did they not see that it could neither speak unto them nor guide them to the (right) way? (And yet) they took to worshipping it, for they were unjust. And when it was dismantled (by Musa and they received the pieces) in their hands and they realised that they have definitely gone astray, (in repentance) they said: “If our Lord does not shower Mercy on us and forgives us, we will certainly be among the lost.”

— Quran, Al-A`raf (The Heights, The Elevated Places), 7:148-149

When Moses returned to his people, full of wrath and sorrow, he exclaimed, "What an evil thing you committed in my absence! Have you abandoned your Lord's commandments?" He threw down the Tablets (of the Law) and seized his brother (Aaron) by the head, dragging him. Aaron cried, "Son of my mother! These people overpowered me and almost killed me! Do not let my enemies rejoice at my suffering, and do not include me with those unjust people." 

— Quran, Al-A`raf (The Heights, The Elevated Places), 7:150

(Moses) said, "Lord, grant my brother and me forgiveness, and cover us with Your mercy. You are the most merciful of those who show mercy." "As for those who worshiped the calf, they will experience their Lord's anger and be disgraced in this world." This is the way we repay all who invent (falsehoods/lies). But as for those who do bad deeds and afterwards repent and (truly) believe, -verily your Lord thereafter is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

— Quran, Al-A`raf (The Heights, The Elevated Places), 7:151-153

LIVE: This Is Who Will Win The Presidency.


Watch "Iron Lady of South Africa Naledi Pandor is Coming for Isreal over Gaza Genocide" on YouTube


Watch "South Africa Foreign Minister Takes a Swipe at the West for Disregarding International Law." on YouTube


May Allah bless and protect South Africa always. Ameen.

Watch "New war is here: US prepares 'open-ended' bombing of Yemen. Why is Saudi Arabia urging 'restraint'?" on YouTube


Watch "Sidang Media 23 Januari 2024" on YouTube


Watch "Genocide, Minerals & Coups: How Israel Helped Destabilize Africa" on YouTube


Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved (defy God and denied the truth), by the tongue of David, and Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they disobeyed and they persistently overstepped the limits. They did not forbid one another from committing wrongdoings. Evil indeed was what they did!
— Quran, Al-Ma`idah (The Table Spread with Food), 5:78-79

Excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew:

Jesus Cleanses the Temple
(Mark 11:15–19; Luke 19:45–48; John 2:12–25)

12Then Jesus entered the temple courtse and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves. 13And He declared to them, “It is written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer.’f But you are making it ‘a den of thieves.’g”

14The blind and the lame came to Him at the temple, and He healed them. 15But the chief priests and scribes were indignant when they saw the wonders He performed and the children shouting in the temple courts, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”

16“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked.

“Yes,” Jesus answered. “Have you never read:

‘From the mouths of children and infants

You have ordained praise’h?”

17Then He left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where He spent the night. 

Watch "No2Nato Broadcast #15 - The Yemen War" on YouTube


Watch "Cigarette Burns, Electrocution & More: Israel's Torture Camp in Gaza" on YouTube


Excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew:

Jesus before the Sanhedrin
(Mark 14:53–65; Luke 22:66–71; John 18:19–24)

57Those who had arrested Jesus led Him away to the house of Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and elders had gathered. 58But Peter followed Him at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest. And he went in and sat down with the guards to see the outcome.

59Now the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrini were seeking false testimony against Jesus in order to put Him to death. 60But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward.

Finally two came forward 61and declared, “This man said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’ ”

62So the high priest stood up and asked Him, “Have You no answer? What are these men testifying against You?”

63But Jesus remained silent.

Then the high priest said to Him, “I charge You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God.”

64“You have said it yourself,” Jesus answered. “But I say to all of you, from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Powerj and coming on the clouds of heaven.”k

65At this, the high priest tore his clothes and declared, “He has blasphemed! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. 66What do you think?”

“He deserves to die,” they answered.

67Then they spit in His face and struck Him. Others slapped Him 68and said, “Prophesy to us, Christ! Who hit You?” 

The Soldiers Mock Jesus
(Isaiah 50:4–11; Mark 15:16–20; Luke 22:63–65; John 19:1–15)

27Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company around Him. 28They stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him. 29And they twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on His head. They put a staff in His right hand and knelt down before Him to mock Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” 30Then they spit on Him and took the staff and struck Him on the head repeatedly.

31After they had mocked Him, they removed the robe and put His own clothes back on Him. Then they led Him away to crucify Him. 

The Beheading of John
(Mark 6:14–29; Luke 9:7–9)

1At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus 2and said to his servants, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”

3Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, 4because John had been telling him, “It is not lawful for you to have her.” 5Although Herod wanted to kill John, he was afraid of the people, because they regarded John as a prophet.

6On Herod’s birthday, however, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod 7so much that he promised with an oath to give to her whatever she asked.

8Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.”

9The king was grieved, but because of his oaths and his guests, he ordered that her wish be granted 10and sent to have John beheaded in the prison.

11John’s head was brought in on a platter and presented to the girl, who carried it to her mother.

12Then John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. And they went and informed Jesus. 

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants
(Mark 12:1–12; Luke 20:9–18)

33Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it, and built a tower. Then he rented it out to some tenants and went away on a journey.

34When the harvest time drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his share of the fruit. 35But the tenants seized his servants. They beat one, killed another, and stoned a third.

36Again, he sent other servants, more than the first group. But the tenants did the same to them.

37Finally, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.

38But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39So they seized him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

40Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard returns, what will he do to those tenants?”

41“He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and will rent out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him his share of the fruit at harvest time.”

42Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

‘The stone the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone.

This is from the Lord,

and it is marvelous in our eyes’k?

43Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.l”

45When the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables, they knew that Jesus was speaking about them. 46Although they wanted to arrest Him, they were afraid of the crowds, because the people regarded Him as a prophet.

Watch "From Freedom for Pakistan to Liberation of Jerusalem" on YouTube


Watch "Who or What is Da’bbatul Ard?" on YouTube


Watch "From Rajab to Ramadan to the Qur’an" on YouTube


Watch "Gog & Magog the Hajj and Gaza" on YouTube


Watch "Gog & Magog the Global Society and the Hellfire" on YouTube


Watch "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 104: Oct 7 Hannibal" on YouTube


Watch "Diana Buttu: Israeli soldier’s social media posts are undermining Israeli propaganda" on YouTube


Watch "Breaking news and analysis on day 103 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast" on YouTube


Watch "TG 1439: The Gaggle Talks To Prof. Mohammad Marandi" on YouTube


Watch "How Hizballah aims to deter Israel, with Amal Saad | EI Podcast" on YouTube


Watch "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed" on YouTube

